Cool ICE Search Tips

The search will find services and objects available in the Cool ICE Repository. It will search through the titles for a word or a phrase and the result is a list of services and objects that contain the word or phrase in their title. The result will only show those titles that match the security profile of the user who is requesting the search.
  • Queries are not case-sensitive, so you can type your query in uppercase or lowercase.
  • Multiple consecutive words are treated as a phrase. They must appear in the same order within a matching title.
  • Punctuation marks period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), comma (,) and exclamation (!) within titles are ignored.
  • To use special characters such as (&), (|), (!), ($) and (#) in a query, you must enclose the query in quotes (").
  • Boolean operators (and, or, not) can be used to create a more precise query.
  • The wildcard character (*) may be used to match words with a given prefix or suffix.
Words and phrases
To search for Example Results
A word. cream Titles with the word "cream" or "Cream".
A phrase. ice cream Titles with the phrase "ice cream".
A list of words. ice, cream Titles with the words "ice" or "cream".
To search for Example Results
Words with the same prefix. ice* Titles with words that have the prefix "ice" such as "iceberg" and "icebergs".
Words with the same suffix. *ice Titles with words that have the suffix "ice" such as "service".
Boolean Operators
To search for Example Results
Both terms in the same title. ice and cream
ice & cream
Titles with both the words "ice" and "cream".
Either terms in a title. ice or cream
ice | cream
Titles with words "ice" or "cream".
The first term without the second term. ice and not cream
ice & ! cream
Title with the word "ice" but not "cream".